International research and scholarship 2023 grant
Proposals are sought from faculty, graduate and undergraduate students for a wide range of international projects that can be implemented on campus and around the globe.
Projects can address critical issues in regional context; advance disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary methods; implement collaborative/inclusive research scholarship and exchange in diverse settings; explore area studies; and research global education that enhances equity, and racial justice, to engages the State, the National in and the World.
See the call for proposals @Â OIA International Research and Scholarship Grant
Apply Virtual Global Teaching & Learning grant 2022-2023
Proposals are sought from faculty and instructors with international teaching and scholarship, including leading Education Abroad and interest in advancing students’ global competencies.
New and diverse Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) and Virtual Exchange (VE) initiatives to internationalize student learning experiences, both virtual experience among students and course content or component development will be accepted. See the call for proposals @ vGlobal Teaching and Learning grant