The Office of Engagement, Discovery, and Global Education (EDGE) is located at 1945 N. High St., 177 Arps Hall, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Our phone number is 614-292-1936. EDGE staff can answer your questions on diversity programs, initiatives and research.

Noelle Arnold, PhD, Professor of Educational Administration; Senior Associate Dean
Noelle W. Arnold, PhD is the Senior Associate Dean in the College of Education and Human Ecology at The Ohio State University. In addition to other units, she oversees the EHE Office of Engagement, Discovery, and Global Education. Dr. Arnold has written and presented extensively and has nine (9) books published or in press and over 70 publications. Her most recent book is the 2nd Edition of the Handbook for Urban Educational Leadership and Companion Guide for the Handbook of Urban Educational Leadership (forthcoming, 2021). Dr. Arnold work has received awards or subawards over $7 million. She has also served as a contractor on grants in excess of $5 million. A former administrator at the district and state level, Dr. Arnold also serves as a consultant throughout the US advising districts on crisis leadership, diversity and inclusion, and teaching and leading in urban and rural contexts. Dr. Arnold was the first African American female to serve as President for the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA). Dr. Arnold was named to the 2022 “Future 50” class, awarded by Columbus CEO for leaders and visionaries who advance the city of Columbus, OH.

Ryann Randall, MA Business Operations Analyst
Ryann Randall, is program specialist and assistant to the associate dean. She completed her Bachelor of Science in Fashion Retail Studies and Masters of Arts program at The Ohio State University. Ryann coordinates all office operations for the Office of Engagement, Discovery, and Global Education and the office programming. Her future plans include, earning a graduate degree with a focus on diversity, justice, multiculturalism and equity studies in order to design arts- and community-based programs for young people in urban contexts.

Tei Street, Education Director of Health Sciences Academies, Partners Achieving Community Transformation (PACT) Initiative
Tei Street serves as the education director for the Partners Achieving Community Transformation (PACT) Initiative to the Health Sciences Academies, which is a partnership between The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and Columbus City Schools. Ms. Street develops strategy and implementation for the transformation of five schools on the Near Eastside of Columbus, Ohio including educational and public relations support to all stakeholders to ensure the educational success of children on the PACT geography. In addition, Ms. Street holds an appointment in the office for Special Initiatives with community agencies and Columbus City Schools.

Carlotta Penn, PhD Senior Director of Partnerships and Engagement
Carlotta Penn is Senior Director of Partnerships and Engagement for the Office of Engagement, Discovery, and Global Education, in the College of Education and Human Ecology at The Ohio State University. In this role, Penn has oversight of international partnerships and global education programs, as well as college and community initiatives and partnerships. Dr. Penn develops strategic initiatives that advance the college commitment to diversity, engagement, and impact at the college and in schools and communities. She brings to this work her life-long commitment to building with diverse communities across the globe in ways that promote human rights to freedom, justice, and pathways to personal and professional success. She holds a PhD in Education and an MA in Comparative Studies from The Ohio State University, and a BA in Mass Communication from Wright State University.

Filiz Oskay, Graduate Research Associate for EDGE
Filiz Oskay is a PhD student in the Philosophy and History of Education program. Her experience in education has spanned more than eighteen years and includes various roles: teaching, school administration, and curriculum development, both in Turkiye and the US. Her research interests include social justice, diversity and equity, engaged and culturally relevant teaching, emancipatory education, and critical pedagogy. She believes in the role and power of education in the construction of democratic societies that offer just and equal opportunities for each individual, and this is the motivation for her years-long persistence in the educational field.

Christine Fagan, EdD, Special Projects Manager
Christine Fagan, EdD serves as the Special Projects Manager for the EDGE office. She manages and oversees the BRIGHT program in coordination with the Fisher College of Business, the Urban and Rural Initiative, the Be The Change Module, and various other projects within the College of Education and Human Ecology. Christine spent several years as a middle school educator and her research interest revolves around Trauma-Informed Practices in school settings. She holds an EdD in Educational Administration from The Ohio State University, a MS in Curriculum and Instruction and BS in Middle Childhood Education both from Youngstown State University.

John Rensink, Senior Director, The Bright Initiative
John Rensink has worked in higher education for nearly 2 decades building a career around preparing exceptional leaders and developing and guiding exceptional educational programs. Before his appointment to Bright, he led Fisher’s 9th ranked Executive MBA program and several custom executive leadership programs for Fortune 100 companies. John has a BA in the humanities from The Ohio State University, a Master’s in Higher Education Leadership from the University of South Carolina and is nearly finished with his PhD in Management from Case Western University. John has a profoundly curious and thoughtful nature, an instinct to lead and inspire others and a constant drive to seek improvement in himself and the world around him. He is a proud father and husband.

Muhammad Khalifa, PhD, Professor of Educational Administration; Executive Director of Urban and Rural Initiatives
Muhammad Khalifa, PhD is a Professor of Educational Administration and Executive Director of Urban and Rural Initiatives at the Ohio State University. Prior to joining OSU, he served as the Robert H. Beck Endowed Chair of Ideas in Education at the University of Minnesota. He has published four books and over 50 other publications in some of the most highly rated journals in education. His most recent book, Culturally Responsive School Leadership (Harvard University Press, 2018), is a top-seller and is being used in over 100 leadership training programs across the US and Canada, as well as other parts of the World. Remarkably, Dr. Khalifa has found innovative and impactful ways to apply scholarship to practice. His most recent book inspired the development of the Culturally Responsive School Leadership Institute and academies ( Dr. Khalifa also regularly partners with school districts to conduct equity audits as a way to reduce inequities and prioritize equity reform efforts in school (