Jasmine Abukar, Ph.D., is an educator, consultant, and Clinical Assistant Professor of Higher Education and Student Affairs at The Ohio State University. While her professional career has traversed academic, public, and corporate institutions, her focus has squarely remained on equity and justice in educational settings. Dr. Abukar’s research centers on raced and gendered labor, resistance, and healing, as well as critical and culturally-based methodologies. She also serves as the Coordinator of the Student Personnel Assistantship Program, where she supports graduate student engagement and success.
“In both my research and practice, I frame joy and wellness as issues of equity and resistance for Black communities. Opportunities to openly experience joy and leisure and to access resources toward wellness have been systematically denied to Black people throughout history. The ability to rest, celebrate, and intentionally invest in wellness is a part of (though not the whole) of our communal work toward liberation.”