I am a preservice teacher earning my masters of Science Education at The Ohio State University. I’m completing my student teaching internship at Dublin Coffman High School teaching five sections of inclusion biology and one section of English Language Learners biology. I earned my bachelor’s degree in Microbiology from OSU in 2021 and have spent 5 years contributing to lymphoma research under Dr. Robert Baiocchi. I am passionate about science outreach and have also served as a mentor and program coordinator for the CREATES-HS program at OSU (Cancer Research Experience for the Advancement and Training of Emerging Scientists). I am eager to begin my career as a science educator in the greater Columbus area so I can continue to invest in my community’s young people and help them on their way to pursuing their dreams
Her efforts for diversity, equity, and inclusion:
One of the most transformational experiences I’ve had at Ohio State has been my work with the Cancer Research Experience for the Advancement and Training of Emerging Scientists (CREATES) Program. CREATES recruits high school and college students from the greater Columbus area to participate in an eight-week biomedical research internship and focuses on recruiting students from underrepresented minority backgrounds. I have worked most closely with a cohort of students from West High School, a Title IV school part of the Columbus City School District, serving as a one-on-one research mentor and program coordinator. Working with these students and watching their curiosity and ability as emerging scientists bloom over the summer has been the highlight of my career as a cancer researcher. While not all of these students end up going into research or medicine, this internship has opened doors for so many students seeking out higher education, which is an important step towards building a more equitable and just world. Science and medicine needs diverse voices and perspectives if we want to keep making advancements, which is why DEI initiatives and programs such as CREATES are so important.