Adrienne M. Bowden, a science teacher with 20 years of classroom experience, teaches students at Lakeview Junior High in Pickerington, Ohio. Adrienne is a mother of three children. Adrienne is a two time graduate of The Ohio State University. Adrienne currently serves as the President of Central OEA/NEA, a NEA Board of Director, an OEA Board of Director and a Building Representative in her local. She presents nationally and internationally on behalf of the NEA Diversity Training Cadre and NEA’s Social Justice and Cultural Competence training cohorts. Adrienne is also a curriculum writer and Leadership Team Member of NEA’s Leaders for Just Schools program.
Professional offering a strong educational background and more than 20 years of teaching, facilitating, advocating and political lobbying experience. Excellent interpersonal and organization skills. Goal-driven Social Justice, Diversity, Cultural Competence, and Blended Learning Trainer. Over eight years of experience with educational advocacy, lobbying, and volunteer recruitment. CENTRAL OEA/NEA-President 09/2013 to Current Set and manage yearly programming- added several diversity and inclusion focused events include a series on race talks during COVID. Ensures financial stably of the million-dollar organization Establish and maintain member recruitment and engagement programs- includes a committee focused on minority member involvement within the Association. Create a state-wide FB group to encourage the sharing of information and increase minority member involvement. Establish and oversee political action and education advocacy programs Establish and oversees Diversity Annual Conference and Annual Leadership Development Conferences Chaired local, district, state and national political campaigns Created targeted communication methods, assist in developing and maintaining organizational social media 2009 Accolade Award Recipient 2013 President’s Award Recipient PICKERINGTON LAKEVIEW JR HIGH SCHOOL- 7th and 8th Grade Science Teacher 08/2006 to Current Taught 7th/8th grade science, English Co-taught an inclusion class for seven years Building Committee: Faculty Leadership Team, Diversity, Sunshine (Co-chair), Parent and Teacher Organization and Positive Behavior and Invention Systems District Committees: Diversity (Co-Chair)- I created the district’s diversity curriculum that was used for several years, Student Learning Objectives Team Leader Deal of the Century After-school Program – Teacher/ Website Developer Sunshine Committee Co-Chair OU WITS Building Advisor- the purpose of this program is to get girls/women interested in science. I am the Building Advisor who leads the girls through this experience at the Ohio University branch in Lancaster Track coach- As head Coach I had the largest team in the district of Pickerington last year with over 100 girls. Many from our special education population which was one of the first times so many of our special ed students participated. NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION -Diversity, Social Justice & Cultural Competence Trainer 07/2009 to Current Trained for districts, schools and local/state union internationally Train the Trainer Board Member Curriculum co-creator/writer for Leaders for Just Schools Blended Learning Facilitator – Diversity, Equity and Cultural Competence 07/2022 to Current National Facilitator DILEY MIDDLE SCHOOL (PICKERINGTON LOCAL SCHOOLS)- 6th Grade Science/Social Studies 08/2002 to 06/2006 Co-taught an inclusion class for three years Committees: Faculty Leadership Team, Pillars of Character, In-service and Diversity 6th Science Enrichment Coordinator Science Proficiency Tutor Yearbook Advisor The Ohio State University Distinguished Diversity Enhancement Award, May 2001- one of the first students to earn this award 57th NAC 45th NPAC UNCF Conference Career Fair Co-chair Governor’s Institute for Creativity & Innovation Diversity trainer at the Education International World Congress