Mark Anthony Gooden, PhD, is the Christian Johnson Endeavor Professor in Education Leadership and Director of the Endeavor Antiracist & Restorative Leadership Initiative (EARLI) in the Department of Organization and Leadership at Teachers College, Columbia University. He also currently serves as Chair of that department. Gooden’s research focuses broadly on culturally responsive school leadership with specific interests in the principalship, anti-racist leadership, urban educational leadership and legal issues in education. He is Past President of the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), a consortium of over 100 higher education institutions committed to advancing the preparation and practice of educational leaders for the benefit of schools and children. Dr. Gooden is co-author of Five Practices for Equity-Focused School Leadership. His research has appeared in a range of outlets including American Educational Research Journal, Educational Administration Quarterly, Teachers College Record, The Journal of Negro Education & Urban Education, Review of Educational Research. His work has also been featured in Educational Leadership and Education Week. Before entering higher education, Dr. Gooden served as a secondary mathematics teacher and department chairperson who facilitated professional development workshops for and with teachers and educational leaders in Columbus Public Schools. He has spent two decades in higher education developing and teaching courses in leadership, equity, law, and research methods. Dr. Gooden received his BA in Mathematics from Albany State University (an HBCU) and his Ph.D. and two master’s degrees from The Ohio State University. He resides in Westchester County, NY with his wife and daughter.
“My research focuses broadly on culturally responsive school leadership with specific interests in the principalship, anti-racist leadership, urban educational leadership and legal issues in education. I have been researching and writing in anti-racist leadership work for several years and I have tried to infuse relevant principles I have learned into my leadership work across several positions. One example would be my term as Past President of the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), a consortium of over 100 higher education institutions committed to advancing the preparation and practice of educational leaders for the benefit of schools and children. I have included my research in a co-authored book entitled Five Practices for Equity-Focused School Leadership. This speaks has been helpful to practitioners and those who teach them. Here are the titles of some of my other publications. Gooden, M.A. (2021) Why every principal should write a racial autobiography. Educational Leadership. 78(7)32-37. Gooden, M. (2020). What an anti-racist principal must do. Education Week, 40(9), 14-15. Gooden, M.A., Devereaux, C. & Hulse, N. (2020) #BlackintheIvory: culturally responsive mentoring with Black women doctoral students and a Black male mentor. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 28(4), 392-415. Gooden, M. A., Davis, B., Spikes, D. Hall, D., Lee, L. (2018). Leaders changing how they act by changing how they think: Applying principles of an anti-Racist principal preparation program Teachers College Record, 120 (14). Available online at: https://www.tcrecord.org/content.asp?contentid=22380 Davis, B.W., Gooden, M.A., Bowers, A.J. (2017) Pathways to the principalship: An event history analysis of the careers of teachers with administrator certification. American Educational Research Journal 54(2), 207-240. Gooden, M.A., Jabbar, H., & Torres, M. (2016). Race and school vouchers: Legal, historical, and political contexts. Peabody Journal of Education 91(4), 522-536. DOI: 10.1080/0161956X.2016.1207445 Khalifa, M., Gooden, M.A., & Davis, J. (2016). Culturally responsive school leadership: A synthesis of the literature. Review of Educational Research 86(4), 1272-1310.”