Executive Summary
In June of 2022, the College of Education and Human Ecology hosted 24 rising juniors and seniors from 8 school districts across central Ohio for the Project R.O.O.T. Summer Experience. The acronym R.O.O.T. stands for “Reaching Our Own Through Teaching,” and the program grew out of a desire to address the national educator shortage in ways that 1) help diversify the field of education and 2) help emerging Central Ohio educators see the possibilities in the field.
During the three-day, on-campus program, high school students engaged with EHE and OSU faculty, staff, and alumni, as well as community members.
Students participated in a range of activities throughout the program, including: workshops on the college admissions process and paying for college; sample college courses, led by EHE doctoral students, on social & emotional learning and on equity & diversity in education; and roundtable discussions with in-service educators who shared how their studies in education led to their current careers. In between scheduled activities, informal networking opportunities between students and EHE faculty and staff served to foster relationships for further support throughout the school year and beyond.
People of Color
Five students identified as men of Color; Eleven students identified as women of Color.
Nine students identified as a members of the LGBTQ+ community
Students’ Top Interest
Of all the programming opportunities, 76% of students indicated they were most interested in the sample college courses.
Representation of racial/ethnic groups
Black/African American, Indian, Jamaican, Nepali, White, Chinese, Hispanic, Mexican American and Indigenous, Rwandan
“I learned a lot”
Students rated the statement an average of 9.76.
“I would recommend”
Students responded with an average rating of 9.57.

Program Snapshot
On the first day of the program, students were introduced to The Ohio State University and the College of Education and Human Ecology. They explored the campus during a campus tour, learned about programs and pathways in the College of Education during a roundtable discussion, and attended a sample college course. Many students expressed the highlight of their day was learning about equitable social and emotional learning and trauma-informed education during the sample college course.
- Breakfast and Introductions
- Campus Tours
- Lunch and Learn: Programs and Pathways Roundtable
- Sample College Class: Social and Emotional Learning
- Wrap Up

During the second day of the program, students took part in a lunch and learn with Dean Don Pope-Davis. The dean shared his journey from high school to his current position, followed by a Q&A. Students asked questions about his career path, role as the dean of the college, and advice on how to pursue a career in education. Students were inspired by the experience and appreciative of the Dean’s perspectives.
- Breakfast and Recap
- Workshop: Understanding the College Application Process
- Lunch and Learn: with Dean Don Pope-Davis
- Sample College Class: Equity and Diversity in Education
- Wrap Up

During the final day of the program, students attended a workshop on funding college and participated in an educator roundtable panel. In discussion with in-service educators throughout metro Columbus and surrounding districts, students explored various fields in education including school psychology, community education, administration, and TESOL education. The three-day program concluded with a ceremony where students were presented with a certificate for their participation.
- Breakfast and Recap
- Workshop: Funding College
- Educator Panel
- Lunch and Closing Ceremony
Who Made It Happen
Program Leads

Jenell Igeleke Penn, PhD
Assistant Director of Teacher Education
Assistant Professor – Clinical
Department of Teaching and Learning

Carlotta Penn, PhD
Senior Director of Partnerships and Engagement
Office of Engagement, Discovery, and Global Education (EDGE)

Kristyn Goodwin, M.A.
Graduate Administrative Associate
PhD Student, School Psychology

Austin McClellan, BFA
Project Support
Graphic Designer
Office of Engagement, Discovery, and Global Education (EDGE)
Program Support

Dr. Christine Fagan

Neal McKinney

Ryann Randall

Melissa Newhouse
Dean’s Office

Blair Andrews
EHE student volunteer

Kristyn Goodwin, M.A.
PhD Student
School Psychology

Alexander Pittman, MSM
PhD Student
Multicultural and Equity
Studies in Education

Rachel M. Tuttle, Ed.D.
Director of Recruitment, Retention, and Student Engagement
Office of Academic Affairs

Julianna M. Belyn
Scholarship Manager
Scholarship and Honors Program

Josh Aguilera,
Admissions Counselor, Undergraduate Admission, Office of Student Academic Success Services
Educator Panelists
- Dr. Brya Coleman – School psychologist, Columbus Africentric Early College K12
- Eli DeNijs – Schools Educator, The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
- Fevean Keflom – Youth and Community Advocate
- Stella Villalba – Elementary EL Lead Teacher, Dublin City Schools; PhD Student, Multicultural and Equity Studies in Education
- Todd Walker – Principal, Columbus Africentric Early College K12
Thank You
This program is presented by the College of Education and Human Ecology’s Office of the Dean, Department of Teaching and Learning, and Office of Engagement, Discovery, and Global Education.