Starting on August 16th, 2021, the Office of Engagement, Discovery, and Global Education (EDGE) and the SIT Study Abroad in South Africa presented a 5-day virtual event, “Student Activism Global Seminar: Racial Justice in South Africa and the US.” The event brought South African and U.S. scholars in the fields of Black Consciousness, de-colonization, political science, feminism, social justice, and higher education to engage with eight Ohio State undergraduate student participants for 5.5 hours each day. The seminar was designed and led by EDGE office members, Jenna Azotea, Education Abroad Specialist, and Neal McKinney, Graduate Research Associate.
The student attendee class years ranged from second to fourth, and they represented various academic disciplines across Ohio State including, Nursing, Philosophy, Politics, Economics, Spanish, Psychology, World Politics, Exercise Science, Health Promotion, Integrative Language Arts, and Human Development and Family Sciences.
During the seminar, the scholars introduced student attendees to key concepts of pre-existing and persisting racial capitalism brought on by apartheid, the influence of Black Consciousness philosophy on student activist movements, and South Africa’s historical problem with colonial conquest. Additionally, student attendees compared and contrasted these concepts with historical and theoretical forms of racial inequality in the U.S., in order to define, cultivate, and develop necessary activist leadership skills to make a meaningful change in the Ohio State community and around the world.
Student attendees’ learning and knowledge were assessed throughout and upon completion of the seminar, and the results indicate a number of important outcomes including:
Significant gains in knowledge of modern social justice issues and how to research the background of social justice issues
Increased understanding that history is not clear cut, and that the aesthetics of power intersect with capitalism and violence to maintain inequality
Recognition of the parallels and links between the U.S. and South Africa fight for racial justice and equality, while acknowledging the unique manifestations of the struggle within each country
Acknowledged commitment that everyone has a role to play in the fight for racial justice, and taking a stand against racial injustice engages possibilities of future hope and change
Quoted Highlights
Selected student attendees’ quotes of their highlights of the seminar:
I took in a lot of information about the situation in South Africa and connected it to the United States because it felt a lot like South Africa is very early on in their struggle for racial equality. The conversations about personal experiences and how to deal with oppression was very interesting. The ability to have conversations and not just arguments with people who disagree with your viewpoints was also a very useful skill to have. Then how to develop a successful social movement that will impart change and lead to more reforms. Just how to recognize social injustices and being able to respond to them.
The speakers from South Africa were brilliant, and our OSU guides were as well. Both led us through most difficult concept analysis and differing perspectives with grace and flexibility.
During this virtual global program a highlight for me was being able to hear the experiences of the South Africa team and hold discussions with them. I found their perspectives to be extremely valuable and enlightening.
The highlight of this virtual global program was getting to learn more about the speakers and the members of my cohort. I loved getting to learn about everyone’s passions and why they are so interested in pursuing activism wherever they live. I think overall developing those connections made the program more fun and allowed me to relate the topics we learned about back into my everyday life.
Student Activist Global Seminar Design Team

Jenna Azotea
Global Education Specialist

Neal McKinney
Graduate Research Associate
Student Attendee Satisfaction
- 100% of participants were satisfied with program instruction and leadership
- 100% of participants agreed that the program increased international knowledge
- 100% of participants agreed that the knowledge of another culture offered in this program may benefit them
Student Attendee Future Abroad Plans
- 100% of participants expressed potential interest in participating in a future education abroad experience with a travel component
- 100% of participants would recommend this program to a friend